+39 06/56549716 mail@fondazionesrr.it


Normative Works: (Standardization and Methodology)

  • RIZZO: The Rorschach of a “master,” a contribution to the study of the validity of psychodiagnostic investigations in the field of psychology. Excerpt from the volume: Problems of Neurology and Psychiatry, Il pensiero Scientifico Editore, Rome 1936.
  • RIZZO: First research on normal adult Italians studied with the Rorschach diagnostic method. Magazine Sperim. Braniat. 1937.
  • RIZZO: Neue Undtersuchengen uber den feinen Bau des Hohlengeau des Grosshirns. International Congress of Neurology, 1939.
  • RIZZO: The influence of the “culture” factor on the results of H. Rorschach’s Psychodiagnostic Method. Journal of Neurology 1946.
  • RIZZO: Contributions to the study of the Rorschach method I. On the application of the mental reactive. Journal of Neurology, 16 fasc. II. 1946.
  • RIZZO: Research and considerations over 100 Rorschach protocols of normal Italians. Communication, XLI Meeting of the Italian Society for the Advancement of Science, Rome-November 1949.
  • CIOLFI, E. VACCA, G. SCUDDER: Le Test de Rorschach appliqué a des jouneaux italiens. Recontre Rorschach International. Zurich, ecole Polytechnique Federale 1949.
  • RIZZO: Contribution a l’etude de la sensible par la methode de Rorschach, I World Congress of Psychiatry, Paris 1950.
  • , A.M MURATORI., and A. CORTI.: Relationships between the Rorschach method and the Duss method applied to young neurotic subjects, Neuropsychiatric Work, No.1, 1950.
  • RIZZO: The sex factor in Rorschach psychodiagnosis, (thesis) Rome 1950.
  • OSSICINI: The use of mental reactives in a medical-psycho-pedagogical center, communication to the 9th Conference of Italian Psychologists, Rome 1951.
  • RIZZO: The influence of age and gender on Rorschach psychodrama, Journal of Neurology, pp. 22, 345-357, 1952.
  • FERRACUTI, G.B. RIZZO: Analysis of the discriminative value of some signs of homosexuality detectable through projective techniques, Bulletin of Applied Psychology and Sociology, pp. 13,16, 128,132, 1956.
  • FERRACUTI., G.B. RIZZO: Comparative Examination of Signature Factors at the Rorschach and the Howard Test. Bulletin of Applied Psychology and Sociology No. 13-16 January-16 August- 1956.
  • RIZZO: Study groups, Rorschachian V, Rome 1956.
  • RIZZO: Practical notes on the application of the Rorschach Test. Roman Rorschach School, 1959.
  • ARGENTA and G.B. RIZZO: The Rorschach Test in a group of lepers. Rorschachian VII, 1961.
  • and G.B. RIZZO: Critical notations on chiaroscuro interpretations in Rorschach protocols, with an experimental contribution on certain surface chiaroscuro interpretations, Rorschachian VIII, Freiburg 1961.
  • B. RIZZO: Remarks on the comparative analysis of Fuchs-Rorschach versus Rorschach tables, Rorschachian VIII, Freiburg 1961.
  • B. RIZZO: Comparative analysis of data obtained from the application of the Rorschach and Fuchs -Rorschach Tests in a group of normal subjects. Excerpt from the volume Proceedings of the 14th Congress of Italian Psychologists. Naples 1962.
  • RIZZO and P.A. RIZZO: First critical considerations over a new “parallel series” of Psychodiagnostic Tables: the Ka-Ro Test. Excerpt from Neopsychiatry Vol. XXXIV fasc. 2, Pisa 1968.
  • RIZZO and P.A. RIZZO: Contribution to the psychology of developmental age. Longitudinal surveys, repeatedly applying the Rorschach method to 7 subjects from the same family in ages 4 to 22 years. Excerpt from the volume: Problems of Neurology and Psychiatry, Vol. XL, fasc.1, “Il pensiero scientifico” Publisher-Rome 1970.
  • RIZZO and P.A. RIZZO: Contribution a l’etude de la methode Rorschach. Un nouveau “phenomen particulier”: La disproportion, Rorschachiana X, Zaragoza 1971.
  • RIZZO and P.A. RIZZO: Disproportionality: a new “special phenomenon” in the Rorschach protocol. Excerpt from the Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. VII, no. 6, Rome 1972.
  • BURNEGO PARODI: The Ka-Ro Test, contribution to its application as a parallel series to the Rorschach projective technique. Neuropsychiatry, XXVIII, 1972.
  • RIZZO: The sane adult. Handout edited by the Roman Rorschach School, Rome 1972.
  • RIZZO and P.A. RIZZO: Nouvelle contribution aux enquetes longitudinales par la Methode Rorschach – Constance des caracteristiques psycodiagnostiques individuelles malgre l’ecoulement du temps, Rorschachiana XIV, Freiburg 1977.
  • RIZZO, A. DI RETO, G. PARISINI: Study of a family using the Rorschach Test, Rorschachian XIV, Freiburg 1977.
  • RIZZO, S. PARISI, P. PES: Today’s Volgari and Semivolgari responses of Rorschach protocols in “normal” adult Italians, Rorschachiana XIV, Freiburg 1977.
  • RIZZO DI RETO A., PARISINI G.: Study of a family using the Rorschach Test, Rorschachiana XIV, Freiburg 1977.
  • RIZZO, S. PARISI, P. PES: Handbook for collecting, locating, and initialing Rorschach interpretations. Ed. Kappa, Rome 1980.
    C. RIZZO: On the classification and value of shading in the Rorschach Method. 10th Int. Rorschach Congress, Washington1981.
  • RIZZO, A. BATTAINI, S. PARISI, P. PES, A FELIGETTI: Study on the difference between children in traditional elementary schools and children in schools having experimental characteristics by the Rorschach Test, Rorschachiana XV, Washington 1981.
  • RIZZO, A. BATTAINI, S. PARISI, P. PES, L. PACIFICI: Teacher-student interaction with the Rorschach Test in two 5th Elementary classes. Rorschachian XV, Washington 1981.
  • RIZZO and P.A. RIZZO: On the siglature and value of Chiaroscuri in the Rorschach Method. Rorschachian XV, Washington. 1981.
  • G. DI IULLO, M., PREZZA, F. GORI, G. GHIRELLI, CONTESINI: The Rorschach in 160 married couples of higher education: contribution to Italian calibration. Review of Psychology, vol. I, no. 3, 1984.
  • C RIZZO: Critical checks and proposals on chiaroscuro classifications in the Rorschach method, Rorschachian Studies, ed. Kappa, Rome 1984.
  • CRISIS: A Supplementary Evidence for the Interpretation of Choc and Rejection Phenomena in the Clinical Use of the Rorschach Test, Rorschachian Studies, ed. Kappa, Rome 1984.
  • MARESCA, A. CRISI, S. PARISI, P.PES: Research methodology for the national calibration of the Rorschach Test. Rorschachian Studies, ed. Kappa, Rome 1985.
  • PES, P. CAPRI, F. CUPINI, F. INCURVATI, A. L’IMPERIO, M. CAPORALI, R. FIUMANA: Experimentation of the prototype of Parallel Spots R/I series, XXXVI National Congress of the Italian Society of Psychiatry, Milan 1985.
  • PARISI, P. PES, P. CAPRI, F. CUPINI, A. L’IMPERIO, R. FIUMANA, M. CAPORALI: First results of the experimentation of the I and II series of the Parallel Spots prototype elaborated by Parisi and Pes. XXXVI National Congress of the Italian Society of Psychiatry, Milan 1985.
  • PES, N. CINELLU, A. CRISI, L. MARESCA, M. CAPORALI, R. FIUMANA: First contributions to the National Calibration of the Rorschach: standard values of the female population (18-24 years) of central Italy, XXXVI National Congress of the Italian Society of Psychiatry. Milan 1985.
  • RIZZO, S. PARISI., P. PES: Rorschach Localization Tables, Ed. Kappa, Rome 1985.
  • PARISI, P. PES: Technique and Graphic Construction Stages of the Different Series of the Parallel Inkblots Prototype developed by Parisi and Pes. 12th International Rorschach Congress, São Paulo, Brazil, 1987.
  • CAPRI, A. CRISI, C.G. GIOVANELLI., S. PARISI, P. PES: The S.R.R.’s Project of the electronic data processing of the Rorschach scorings, Rorschachiana XVI, São Paulo, Brazil, 1987.
  • CAPRI., F. CUPINI, E. CASERTA, L. CORRENTE, R. MIOZZA: The Transition from the 1st to the 2nd Series of the Parallel Inkblots Prototype, worked out by Parisi-Pes. 12th International Rorschach Congress, São Paulo, Brazil, 1987.
  • R. GENZANO, R. BONCOMPAGNI, F. TAJANI, “The evolution of female identity of Italian womenfrom the 80s to the present day through the analysis of rorschach indices,” XXIII International Congress of Rorschach and Projective Methods, “Rorschach Centenary Congress,” Geneve 2022
  • G. GIOVANELLI, S. GIACOMELLI, S. MAGNANI, S. PARISI, P. PES: “El viaje increible” a través del color en la calificasiòn Rorschach, Rorschachiana XVI, São Paulo, Brazil, 1987.
  • PARISI, P. PES, C.G. GIOVANELLI, A. CHERUBINI: The Systemic Rorschach and the Group Analysys, Rorschachiana XVI, São Paulo, Brazil, 1987.
  • PARISI, P. PES, P. CAPRI, A. L’IMPERIO, F. CUPINI, L. MARESCA: Results of the experiment of the 2nd Series of the Parallel Inkblots Prototype. 12th International Rorschach Congress, São Paulo, Brazil, 1987.
  • PARISI, P. PES, P. CAPRI, C.G. GIOVANELLI, F. CUPINI, A. L’IMPERIO, R. FIUMARA, M. CAPORALI: Comparison between the 1st and the 2nd Series of the Parallel Inkblots Prototype worked out by Parisi-Pes. 12th International Rorschach Congress, São Paulo, Brazil, 1987.
  • CINELLU, A. GIGANTESCO, M. GIULIANI, O. MAGGIULLI, R. MIOZZA, R. FIUMARA, M. CAPORALI: A contribution to the National Rorschach Test standardization plan. 12th International Rorschach Congress, São Paulo, Brazil, 1987.
  • MARESCA, A. CRISI, S. PARISI, P. PES: Standardization method for the Rorschach Test on the Italian population. 12th International Rorschach Congress, São Paulo, Brazil, 1987.
  • G. GIOVANELLI, S. PARISI, P. PES, F. GICCA PALLI, R. CAFASSO, F. CUPINI, P. GIANNELLI, S.M SALICE: El perfil Rorschach del Borderline: un modelo basado en un aproche metodologico e interpretativo tradicional al Test de Rorschach. 12th International Rorschach Congress, São Paulo, Brazil, 1987.
  • PARISI, P. PES: Parallel Tables to the Spots of H. Rorschach, ed. Kappa, Rome 1989.
  • PARISI, P.PES: Folders for Rorschach computation processing Ed. Kappa, Rome 1989.
  • PARISI, P. PES: “RORCOMP” Rorschach computerized computation system, Centro Progettazione Software s.a.s. Ed. Kappa, Rome 1990.
  • PARISI, P. PES, F. CORDESCHI: Vulgar Rorschach responses: New list for the Italian population. 13th International Rorschach Congress, Paris 1990.
  • PARIS ,P. PES: The Mirror of Rorschach Computations, ed. Kappa, Rome 1990.
  • PARISI., P., PES: The Rorschach Siglature, Ed. Kappa, Rome 1991.
  • PARISI, P. PES: The collection of the Rorschach Test, ed. Kappa, Rome 1992.
  • PARISI, P. PES: “ZETACOMP” Computer system of Zulliger Test computations, Centro Progettazione Software s.a.s. Ed. Kappa, Rome 1992.
  • PARISI P., PES: Transparencies for the localization of Rorschach interpretations, ed. Kappa, Rome 1992.
  • PARISI, P. PES, F. CORDESCHI: Evolution in collective perception: a comparative study of the new and old list of vulgar responses of normal adult Italians. Rorschachian Studies, no. 1-2, ed. Kappa, Rome 1993.
  • INCURVATI, R. D’ANDREA: A computerized approach to the Rorschach “RORCOMP,” Rorschachian Studies, ed. Kappa, Rome 1993.
  • PARISI, P. PES, F. INCURVATI, R. APREDA, G. CROSTI, C. FIERRO, G. GUADAGNINI, E.TARSITANI, A. VISCOMI, F.VIVI : Premieres resultats de la Recherche sur les aspects normatifs/statistiques des Responses Populaires relatives a la Serie Parallele Parisi-Pes au Test de Rorschach. XIV International Rorschach Congress, Lisbon 1993.
  • INCURVATI, R. D’ANDREA, A. VISCOMI: Realisation par la Scuola Romana Rorschach de procedures automatisees pour le classement de protocoles du Test de Rorschach et du Z-Test et pour l’elaboration des donnees de la signature (RORCOMP et ZETACOMP) de Parisi-Pes. XIV International Rorschach Congress, Lisbon 1993.
  • INCURVATI, A.P. ARANEO, C. ARNESE, M. DEL MONTE: Story of the Scuola Romana Rorschach: from the foundation by C. Rizzo to the last developments. XIV International Rorschach Congress, Lisbon 1993.
  • PARISI, P. PES, F. INCURVATI, A.P. ARANEO, C. ARNESE, M. DEL MONTE: Graphic and chromatic studies of Carlo Rizzo on the Rorschach Inkblots. XIV International Rorschach Congress, Lisbon 1993.
  • PARISI, P. PES, R. CICIONI: Wcomp software for layout and Rorschach protocol, ed. Kappa, Rome 1994.
  • PARISI, P. PES, F. SARTORETTI: The Rorschach Answers of Good Form by Statistical Frequency of the “Normal” Italian Adult Population.(Includes the new list of Vulgar Answers) Studi Rorschachiani , ed. Kappa, Rome 1995.
  • PARISI, P. PES: “RORCOMP” Rorschach computerized computation system, ed. Kappa, Rome,1990.Release 2.0.1995.
  • PARISI, P. PES, R. CANERO MEDICI, L. BONCORI: Update of Rorschach Normative Values (Projection on 240 “normal” adult Italian subjects XV International Congress on Rorschach and Projective Methods, Boston, USA 1996.
  • PARISI, P. PES, R. CANERO MEDICI, L. BONCORI: Update of Rorschach Normative Values Projection on 240 Italian “normal” adult subjects. XV International Congress on Rorschach and Projective Methods, Boston, United States 1996.
  • PARISI, P. PES, F. SARTORETTI: The Rorschach responses of good form by statistical frequency of the “normal” adult Italian population. XV International Congress on Rorschach and Projective Methods, Boston, United States 1996.
  • PARISI, P. PES, M. PIERINI: The vulgar and good form interpretations by statistical frequency (R+) of the collectively administered Z-Test. XV International Congress on Rorschach and Projective Methods, Boston, United States 1996.
  • INCURVATI, G. CROSTI, G.C. GIOVANELLI, G. GUADAGNINI, B. MAIETTA, S.VICINO: Study about statistical good form responses of Parisi-Pes Parallel Inkblots to Rorschach Test. XV International Congress on Rorschach and Projective Methods, Boston, United States 1996.
  • BUCCHIGNANI, R. CICIONI: A Comparative Study of Different Sealing Systems. XV International Congress on Rorschach and Projective Methods, Boston, United States 1996.
  • MAIETTA, G. CROSTI., G.C. GIOVANELLI, G. GUADAGNINI, F. INCURVATI, S.VICINO: Study on statistical frequencies concerning localizations of Parisi-Pes Parallel Inkblots to the Rorschach Test. 15th International Congress on Rorschach and Projective Methods, Boston, United States 1996.
  • C. GIOVANELLI, S. PARISI, P. PES: The “Scuola Romana Rorschach” Method: history and scientific innovations. XV International Congress on Rorschach and Projective Methods, Boston, United States 1996.
  • MAIETTA, G. CROSTI, G.C. GIOVANELLI, G. GUADAGNINI, F. INCURVATI, S.VICINO: Study on statistical frequencies concerning localizations of Parisi-Pes Parallel Inkblots to the Rorschach Test. XV International Congress on Rorschach and Projective Methods, Boston, United States 1996.
  • PARISI, P. PES, C. RIZZO y P. RUSSO: Internet: Un strumento de comunicacion interorschachiana. III Conferencia Internacional de Psicologia de la Salud 2000.
  • CICIONI: “La formacion Rorschach en Italia y la Scuola Romana Rorschach” Revista de la Sociedad Espanola del Rorschach Y Metodos Proyectivos Barcelona (number 13-14, 2000-2001).
  • PARISI, P. PES, L. ROSSI, J. M. PARDILLO GONZÀLEZ, A. GUERRA: Ensenanza del Test de Rorschach en Cuba e Italia, I Incontro Italo Cubano Rorschach, III Conferencia Internacional de Psicologia de la Salud, Havana, 2000.
  • PARISI, P. PES, C. RIZZO, P. RUSSO: Primera experiencia de ensenanza “en-linea” del test de Rorschach. III Conferencia Internacional de Psicologia de la Salud, Havana, 2000.
  • S PARISI., P. PES, P. RUSSO y V. VETTRAINO: El Clasificador De Parisi-Pes: un manual informatico para la clasificacion de las respuestas dadas al test de Rorschach III Conferencia Internacional de Psicologia de la Salud, Cuba, 2000.
  • PARISI, V. VETTRAINO, C. RIZZO, A. NEPA.: RORPALACE: New multimedia Rorschach computer application. 18th International Rorschach Congress, Rome, 2002.
  • BERRETTA, S. MAIO, F. INCURVATI: Presentation of the Parallel Series S. Parisi – P. Pes Localization Tables at the Rorschach. 17th International Rorschach Congress, Rome, 2002.
  • BERRETTA, S. MAIO, F. INCURVATI: Statistical goodness-of-fit responses of the Parallel Paris-Pes tables to the Rorschach. 17th Int. Rorschach Congress, Rome, 2002.
  • BONCORI, L. LUCCHETTI, F. BORRELLI, U. UNGANO: Contribution to Italian norms for the z-Test. 17th International Congress Rorschach and Other Projective Techniques, Rome, 2002.
  • CARRUBA, M. BARBORINI: National calibration of H. Zullinger’s Z-Test. Criticisms emerged from analysis of variance. 17th International Rorschach Congress, Rome, 2002.
  • CICIONI, M. TENAGLIA: Analysis of the distribution of human and kinesthetic responses in Rorscahch Table III. 17th International Rorschach Congress, Rome, 2002.
  • AMOROS, A. COLLAZO: Sucesiòn invertida: Ideas para una investigaciòn. 17th International Rorschach Congress, Rome, 2002.
  • CANTALE, P. CORSI: Even in the bank discovered the “value” of the Z-Test: Comparative analysis between the Z Test and the Big Five questionnaire in assessing potential. 17th International Congress Rorschach and Other Projective Techniques, Rome, 2002.
  • D’ AGOSTINO: The Particular Manifestations in light of M. Blanco’s theorization. 17th International Congress Rorschach and Other Projective Techniques, Rome 2002.
  • GIORGIO, P. ROMA: Exner’s Comprehensive System and the Roman Rorschach School Method: Signatures compared. 17th International Rorschach Congress, Rome 2002.
  • CICIONI: The Roman Rorschach School method. Int. Rorschach Congress, Rome 2002.
  • MIRABILIO, R. CICIONI., F. SARTORETTI, M. DE MARTINO, M. GIORGIO, A MANCINI.: Contribution to the new Italian calibration of the Rorschach Test: Choc and Rejections in a sample of 241 subjects. International Rorschach Congress, Rome 2002.
  • S PARISI., V. VETTRAINO, C. RIZZO, L. MONACO: Strategies of Psychology in the field of psychodiagnostic training. 17th International Rorschach Congress, Rome 2002.
  • CICERONE, M. GIGANTINO: Procedures and tools of psychic and aptitude selection in the military and state armed corps. 17th International Congress Rorschach and Other Projective Techniques, Rome 2002.
  • CICIONI: Hypothesis on a new Rorschach index: The Secondary Self-Control. 17th International Rorschach Congress, Rome 2002.


  • CICIONI, M. AGUILA USART, V.R. GENZANO: “Estudio de las diferencias de los Contenidos entre
  • hombres y mujeres de la poblacion italiana en las diez Laminas Rorschach,” Revista de Psicologia, vol. 2, 2006, Pontificia Universidad Catolica Argentina, Buenos Aires.
  • DI PIRRO, S. RENZI, R.S. MANGANELLO, G. MANGIA, F. MURGIA: The Zulliger Test as a survey tool for assessing potential in organizational settings. 17th International Congress Rorschach and Other Projective Techniques, Rome 2002.
  • GIORGIO, R. CICIONI, F. SARTORETTI: Contribution to the new Italian calibration of the Rorschach test: The three levels of Particular Manifestations in the ten Tables of H. Rorschach. International Rorschach Congress, Rome 2002.
  • PARISI, P. PES, R. CICIONI, C. AMOROS, A. COLLAZO: List of Vulgar Answers and Good Statistical Form: 2003 update. In Diagnosis in Clinical Psychology, edited by Giorgio Caviglia and Emanuele Del Castello. Franco Angeli, Milan 2003.
  • PARISI, P. PES: RORPALACE, Rorschach computer applications: SIGLAROR, Computer System for the Siglature of Rorschach Interpretations; Ed. Centro Hermann Rorschach srl, Rome 2003.
  • PARISI, P. PES: RORPALACE, Rorschach computer applications: RORCOMP plus 1.0, software for archiving Rorschach reports; Ed. Centro Hermann Rorschach srl, Rome 2003.
  • PARISI, P. PES, R. CICIONI: Rorschach Localization Tables. Vulgar and R+ statistics. Hermann Rorschach Center Ltd. Rome 2005.
  • PARISI, P. PES: RORPALACE, Rorschach computer applications: RORTUTOR, Rorschach Hypertext Guide; Ed. Centro Hermann Rorschach srl, Rome 2005.


Clinical work

  • RIZZO: The kine-orthostatic reaction in the normal adult (contribution to the study of the physiology of the Vegetative Nervous System). Roman Rorschach School, 1947.
  • RIZZO, A. OSSICINI: A contribution a la discussion des rapports sur l’application des methodes des tests mentaux a la psychiatrie clinique, Communication to the I World Congress of Psychiatry, Paris 1950.
  • RIZZO: The National Congress of Psychiatry, Paris 19/27 September 1950, Excerpt from the Journal of Military Medicine year 97th fasc. 5, Rome 1950.
  • RIZZO: Un centenaire etudie au moyen du test de Rorschach. International Arch. of Neurology, Paris 1950.
  • OSSICINI: New directions on the problem of anxiety. Neuropsychiatric Work; no. 1., 1951.
  • FERRACUTI, G.B. RIZZO: First results in the study of the psychology of the cancerous, Communication to the Conference on Cancerology, Bolzano 1952.
  • B. RIZZO: The exploration of the senile psyche with the Rorschach method. Review. Of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Year III, No. 3, 1953.
    C. Rizzo: The Rorschach Method in Italy, Contributions and developments. Rorschachachiana, Vol. I, 1953, no. 4.
  • B. RIZZO: The exploration of the senile psyche with the Rorschach method. Journal of Gerontology and Geriatricians, year III, no.3. 1953, year III, no. 3. 1953.
  • FRIEDEMANN, C. RIZZO, E. BOHM, T. SCHMIDT: Blind Evaluation of a Rorschach Protocol after 50 Years Compared with the Original Evaluation and the Psychogram Compiled by H. Rorschach, International Rorschach Congress, Rome 1956.
  • BASAGLIA, G. DELLA BARBA: The organic Rorschach syndrome in a group of postencephalic parkinsonian patients. Review of Psychiatric Studies, Vol. XLVI, no. 2, 1957.
  • B. RIZZO, F. FERRACUTI: Employment of the Rorschach Test in Clinical Criminology, Review of Prison Studies, Fasc. I, Tipografia delle Mantellate, Rome 1959.
  • FERRACUTI, G.B. RIZZO: Signs of homosexuality detectable through projective techniques on a female prison population. Archives of Psychology, Neurology and Psychiatry, Rome 1959.
  • FERRACUTI, G.B. RIZZO: Signs of homosexuality detectable through projective techniques on a female prison population. Archives of Psychology, Neurology and Psychiatry, Rome 1959.
  • RIZZO, G. ARGENTA: Contribution to the psychological study of female prostitution using the Rorschach method. Journal of Neurology, Vol. XXIX – fasc. 5, Rome 1959.
  • FONTANESI, G.B. RIZZO : Observation Institute Rome, Rebibbia, Case E. and Case L., Quaderni di Criminol. Clinical. 1960/61
  • B. RIZZO: The Rosensweig Picture Frustation Study applied to a group of homicide and property offenders, Rorschachachian VIII, Freiburg 1961.
  • PONZO: Psychodiagnostic research on primitive populations of the Amazon. VI International Rorschach Congress, Comptes Rendue Abstracts, Vol. II. Paris 1965.
  • A. RIZZO: Contribution to the study of schizophrenia with the Rorschach method. Journal of General Nervous Pathology Vol. LXXXIX, fasc.V, Florence 1968.
  • RIZZO, P.A. RIZZO: Longitudinal investigations by repeatedly applying the Rorschach method to seven subjects from the same family in ages 4 to 22 years. Excerpt from Journal of Neurology, vol. XL, fasc. 1, Rome 1970.
  • RIZZO, A.B. PARODI: Contribution to the psycology of the sick child by applying the Rorschach method to a group of young hemophilics and to their family environment, Rorschachiana XIV, Freiburg 1977.
  • RIZZO, S. PARISI, P. PES, S. MONTAGNA: Rorschach characteristics and depression in two groups of elderly people, Rorschachiana XV, Washington 1981.
  • RIZZO, A. BATTAINI, S. PARISI, P. PES, E. MONACO: Puerperal Syndrome, Rorschachiana XV, Washington 1981.
  • RIZZO, S. PARISI, P. PES, M. GRASSO, M. MICHELINI: Assessment of the mother-daughter relationship through the Rorschach Test. Clinical Study of Psoriatic Adolescents and Youth, Rorschachian XV, Washington 1981.
  • RIZZO, S. PARISI, P. PES, A. BATTAINI, A. FELIGETTI: Investigation of the personality of children in Cycle II of a traditional elementary school and an experimental school through the Rorschach Test. 10th International Rorschach Congress, Washington, DC 1981.
  • G. DI IULLO, G.C. ZAVATTINI: Psychodynamics of diabetes: research contribution using the Rorschach Test. From Clinical Psychology, Vol. 1, No. 3. 1982.
  • RIZZO, S. PARISI, P. PES : The human movement. Edited by the Roman Rorschach School 1982.
  • G. DI IULLO, G.C. ZAVATTINI: Sadistic orality and sexual differentiation in juvenile diabetes. Child neuropsychiatry, Sept.-Oct. 1983.
  • CALVANELLI, S. PARISI, P. PES, E. PONZO: The Rorschach “as” a four-year-old child: first study of potential regression in a group of young female adults. Master’s thesis, 1983.
  • MEZZENA: The Associative Picture Gallery: a motif of Adlerian-inspired Rorschach interpretation 1983.
  • C. MINGIANO: Hypothesis of reading the Rorschach Test according to some elements of the script in Transactional Analysis. Journal of Transactional Analysis and Therapeutic Methodologies. Year III, 1983, no. 4.
  • PARISI, P. PES: The Rorschach Test, Riv. Science Two Thousand No. 5, 1983.
  • CAPOLEONI, A. L’IMPERIO, S. PARISI, P. PES: Psychological aspects of multiple sclerosis through the Rorschach test, Rorschachian Studies, ed. Kappa, Rome 1984.
  • PES, S. PARISI, R. FIUMARA, M. CAPORALI, N. CIANI: Diagnostic and Therapeutic Strategy with the Systemic Rorschach in Psychosomatic Illnesses in Group-Analytic Therapy, Psychiatry and Analytic Psychotherapy, Vol. III/2 1984.
  • PARISI, P. PES: Three “itineraries” in Rorschach research, Rorschachian Studies, ed. Kappa, Rome 1984.
  • CAVIGLIA, P. PAZZA, A. CRISI, L. PINKUS: Psychodynamic aspects of subjects with sclerosis: a preliminary investigation of defense mechanisms. Arch. of Psychology, Neurology, Psychiatry. Jul.-Dec. 1985.
  • CAPRI, M. FONTANESI: The Rorschach in criminal and civil judicial problems. Rorschachian Studies, no. 2, Dec. 1985.
  • RUGGERI, M.G. DI IULLO, M.T. BORSO, L. ROMANI: Acid-base balance, body image, and personality traits in normal subjects. Rorschachian Studies, no. 2, Dec. 1985.
  • PES, R. FIUMARA, M. CAPORALI: Model of clinical-exploratory approach with Rorschach blots in analysis groups, XXXVI National Congress of the Italian Society of Medical Psychotherapy, Milan 1985.
  • PES, A. CHERUBINI, G.C. GIOVANELLI, L. PALMA, M. CAPORALI, N. CIANI, R. FIUMARA: The psychosomatic patient in groups. An example of a transpersonal relationship, XXXVI National Congress of the Italian Society of Psychiatry, Milan 1985.
  • PES, A. CHERUBINI, M.R. CONSEGNATI, R. FIUMARA, M. CAPORALI: Methodological Model of Relational Diagnostic and Therapeutic Strategy in Couples, XXXVI National Congress of the Italian Society of Psychiatry, Milan 1985.
  • G. DI IULLO, L. RANZINI, G.C. ZAVATTINI: Diabetes in developmental age: influence on personality and importance of self-control, Developmental Age, no.21. 1985.
  • CAPRI, M. FONTANESI: Rorschach and Judicial Psychology. 12th National Congress of the Mental Hygiene League, Messina, Apr. 1986.
  • PARISI, P. PES: Rorschach stains between glory and scourges, Riv. The Psychologist, no. 2, Rome 1986.
  • C. GIOVANELLI, F. GICCA PALLI, R. CAFASSO, S. PARISI, P. PES: The problem of borderline diagnosis in the Rorschach. Some innovative considerations. The Psychologist, no. 3. 1986.
  • C. GIOVANELLI, F. GICCA PALLI, R. CAFASSO, S. PARISI, P. PES: Un trastorno de personalidad narcisista con organizzacion limitrofe: un caso clinico, Rorschachiana XVI, São Paulo 1987.
  • C. GIOVANELLI, A. CRISI, A. GIGANTESCO, P. CAPRI, R. MIOZZA: La identificacion sexual y la Lamina III, Rorschachiana XVI, São Paulo 1987.
  • FRANCI, G.C. ZAVATTINI et al: Interactive models in the family with a patient with essential obesity or insulin-dependent diabetes, Journal of Neuropsychiatry of the Developmental Age No. 3-8, 1988.
  • PARISI, P. PES, A. FARAGLIA, A. LANOTTE, S. SPACCIA: Personality disorders from the perspective of DSM III/R and Rorschach reactive, 13th International Rorschach Congress, Paris 1990.
  • G. DI IULLO, G.C. ZAVATTINI, et al: The use of the Joint Rorschach in the Pediatric Hospital: the family of the child with ulcerative reticulitis, in “The child and his systems” by C. LORIEDO, D. BIANCHI, P. DI CASTELBIANCO, 1990.
  • G. DI IULLO ,G.C. ZAVATTINI, et al: Family interaction and poor control in developmental family obesity, in “The Child and His Systems” by C. LORIEDO, D. BIANCHI, P. DI CASTELBIANCO, 1990.
  • PARISI, P. PES, A. FARAGLIA, A. LANOTTE, S. SPACCIA: Personality disorders and Rorschach psychodiagnostics, ed. Kappa, Rome 1992.
  • CRISI, G. CAVIGLIA: The “Isolation Index”: a proposal for an assessment room of the Isolation defense mechanism in the Rorschach Test. Rorschachian Studies, no. 1-2, ed. Kappa, Rome 1993.
  • PRAVETTONI, G. FUMAI: Use of the Rorschach test and drawings for diagnosis in developmental age. Rorschachian Studies, no. 1-2, ed. Kappa, Rome 1993.
  • PES, S. PARISI, F. CORDESCHI, A. FOCHESCHI, M. PERRONE, A.M. SPERANCE: Cross-cultural study: analysis of 3 Amazonian tribes through the Rorschach Test: Rorschachian Studies, no.1-2, ed. Kappa, Rome 1993.
  • PARISI, P. PES, R. CICIONI, S. LABONIA, E. TARSITANI: Assessment of potential using the Systemic Rorschach in a five-a-side soccer team. Rorschachian Studies, no. 1-2, ed. Kappa, Rome 1993.
  • C. GIAMBELLUCA, S. PARISI, P. PES: The psychoanalytic interpretation of the Rorschach. Dynamic-structural model, ed. Kappa, Rome 1995.
  • PARISI, P. PES: Rorschach psychodiagnostics according to the method of the Roman Rorschach School. Handout edited by the Roman Rorschach School, Rome 1995.
  • MAZZARINI, R. CICIONI, A. PELLICCIA, M. FERRARA, V. GUIDETTI : “Pseudo-epileptic seizures in adolescence. Analysis of 10 clinical cases through the Rorschach Test” From: “Child and Adolescent Psychiatry,” Vol. 66, No. 6, November-December 1999. Borla Editions.
  • JUDGES: La tecnica psicodiagnostica Rorschach en el ambito de la medicina legal. III Conferencia Internacional de Psicologia de la Salud ,Cuba, 2000.
  • PARISI, P. PES, M. FIORENTINO: El psicodiagnostico Rorschach sobre la ùnica base del espejo de los computos. Discusion de un caso clinico segun el metodo de la Scuola Romana Rorschach. III Conferencia Internacional de Psicologia de la Salud,Cuba 2000.
  • PARISI, P. PES, R. CICIONI, B. CALABRESE: Una nueva variable predictiva obtenida del Test de Rorschach: El Indice de Predisposicion Psicosomatica (IPP), III Conferencia Internacional de Psicologia de la Salud, Cuba 2000.
  • CICIONI, P. BUCCHIGNANI: Evaluation of a case of incompatibility with the prison regime through the Rorschach Test. From Journal of Legal Psychology. Sapere Editions, March 2000.
  • PARISI., P. PES, A FARAGLIA, A. LANOTTE, S. SPACCIA: Trastornos de la personalidad y psicodiagnostica de Rorschach. Editorial.Felix Varela. La Habana 2000. Ed. Kappa Rome.
  • FIORENTINO: Transferencia y Constratransferncia en el Rorschach III Conferencia Internacional de Psicologia de la Salud ,Cuba 2000.
  • ROSSI: El adolescente autor de delito: personalidad y Rorschach, III Conferencia Internacional de Psicologia de la Salud ,Cuba 2000.
  • PES, M. FIORENTINO: Sentimiento de la identidad en el Rorschach: reflexiones sobre la figura del Hemafrodita. III Conferencia Internacional de Psicologia de la Salud, Havana 2000.
  • CICIONI, F. DIANA, E. DEL CASTELLO: Psychosomatic dermatoses in developmental age investigated with the Rorschach Method. International Rorschach Congress, Rome 2002.
  • CICIONI, J. OTTINO, L. ROLANDO: Psychodiagnosis of mental suffering in borderline personality disorder. 17th International Congress Rorschach and Other Projective Techniques, Rome 2002.
  • BARELLINI, M. BARONTI DI DONATO, M. CANTALE: Adoscential crisis and eating disorder: evidence in the Rorschach Test. 17th International Congress Rorschach and Other Projective Techniques, Rome 2002.
  • COLLI, J. DUENAS, A. GUERRA : Estudio de un caso de trastorno de personalidad narcisista-paranoide a través del método de la Scuola Romana Rorschach. Su relevancia para la psicoterapia psicodinamica. 17th International Congress Rorschach and Other Projective Techniques, Rome 2002.
  • COLLI, A. GUERRA: Un Rorschach inusual: Trastorno de personalidad paranoide, alcoholismo y talento artistico en un pintor alcoholico a través del metodo de la Scuola Romana Rorschach. 17th International Congress Rorschach and Other Projective Techniques, Rome 2002.
  • GASPERINI: Diagnostic investigation through the Rorschach Test of both parents in intrafamilial sexual abuse. 17th International Congress Rorschach and Other Projective Techniques, Rome 2002.
  • B. TORO, F. INCURVATI: Figure-background fusion in the Rorschach test and body image perception: an investigation conducted among bulimic women. 17th International Congress Rorschach and Other Projective Techniques, Rome 2002.
  • INCURVATI: Body image in elementary school children: developmental pathways analyzed in light of the Z-Test. 17th International Congress Rorschach and Other Projective Techniques, Rome 2002.
    1. GUERRA, M. COLLI: Detección de tendencias homosexuales al inicio de la adolescencia a través de pruebas proyectivas. Estudio de un caso. 17th International Congress Rorschach and Other Projective Techniques, Rome 2002.
  • CANTALE, B. SARTORIS: Stress tolerance and coping strategies in specialized military personnel to work in crisis situations. 17th International Congress Rorschach and Other Projective Techniques, Rome 2002.
  • CICIONI, E. DEL CASTELLO, F. DEL MONACO: The Drawing of the Couple: a new perspective in the diagnosis of the couple relationship. 17th International Congress Rorschach and Other Projective Techniques, Rome 2002.
  • DEL CASTELLO, D. CASERTA, L. CURCIO, F. DEL MONACO: The study of the couple relationship using the Rorschach Test. 17th International Congress Rorschach and Other Projective Techniques, Rome 2002.
  • SALVUCCI: Analysis of the flow of thought through the Rorschach Test. 17th International Congress Rorschach and Other Projective Techniques, Rome 2002.
  • CANTALE, V. SCARSELLI, A. TESTA, L. TRAMONTI: Children and Rorschach: toward a greater understanding of child psychology. 17th International Congress Rorschach and Other Projective Techniques, Rome 2002.
  • D’ AGOSTINO: Rorschach and Penrose’s Three Worlds theory. 17th International Congress Rorschach and Other Projective Techniques, Rome 2002.
  • C. GIOVANELLI, M. CANTALE : Reinforcement, impairment, or loss of consciousness of the interpretive act: diagnostic and prognostic implications. 17th International Congress Rorschach and Other Projective Techniques, Rome 2002.
  • IUDICA : The use of stains in dementia diagnostics. Validation and comparison of some Rorschach indices in cognitive impairment. 17th International Congress Rorschach and Other Projective Techniques, Rome 2002.
  • CICIONI : The systemic Rorschach in parenting assessment. Excerpt from Course held at USL No. 2 in Urbino and USL No. 1 in Pesaro “Collaboration with the Ordinary and Juvenile Judiciary: the assessment of parenting,” 2003.
  • CICIONI, E. DEL CASTELLO, L. CURCIO: Laura’s Rorschach. Excerpts from the text La Diagnosi in Psicologia Clinica edited by G. CAVIGLIA ED E. DEL CASTELLO, ed. Franco Angeli 2003.
  • CICIONI, E. DEL CASTELLO, L. CURCIO: Affects and relationships in the Rorschach: the case of Eleonora. Excerpts from the text La Diagnosi in Psicologia Clinica edited by G. CAVIGLIA ED E. DEL CASTELLO, ed. Franco Angeli 2003.
  • CICIONI, E. DEL CASTELLO, L. CURCIO: The Rorschach of Octavius. Excerpts from the text La Diagnosi in Psicologia Clinica edited by G. CAVIGLIA ED E. DEL CASTELLO, ed. Franco Angeli 2003.
  • CICIONI, E. DEL CASTELLO, L. CURCIO: Reality examination, sense of reality and adaptation in the Rorschach: the Constantine Rorschach. Excerpts from the text “Diagnosis in Clinical Psychology” Edited by G. CAVIGLIA ED E. DEL CASTELLO, ed. Franco Angeli 2003.
  • CICIONI: The Rorschach Psychodiagnostic according to the Roman Rorschach School Method. Excerpts from the text “Diagnosis in Clinical Psychology” Edited by G. CAVIGLIA ED E. DEL CASTELLO, ed. Franco Angeli 2003.
  • ZIZOLFI, V.R. GENZANO, S. PARISI, D. ZIZOLFI, “Hermann Göring’ in Rorschach Çalışması: Pervers bir Kişiliğin Kaniti – The Rorschach Study of Hermann Göring: The Evidence of a Perverse Personality,” Yansitma – Psikopatoloji ve Projektif Testler Dergisi – Perversiyonlar Sayi: 28 – Dec 2017. Baglam Yayincilik Istanbul
  • R. GENZANO “The Rorschach Test in psychological check-up services, a case of directcommissioning,” XXIII International Congress of Rorschach and Projective Methods, “Rorschach Centenary Congress,” Geneve 2022
  • R. GENZANO, D. MILONIA, S. PARISI “The recent psychometric and neuroscientific researches on the Rorschach Test as scientific evidence of the intuitions of the classical authors of Rorschach, XXIII International Congress of Rorschach and Projective Methods, “Rorschach Centenary Congress,” Geneve 2022
  • ALVISINI, V.R. GENZANO, “Rorschach Test and psychotherapy: analysis of a clinical case” XXIII International Congress of Rorschach and Projective Methods, “Rorschach Centenary Congress,” Geneve 2022
  • MILONIA, V.R. GENZANO, “The use of Rorschach Test in the assessment of psychic damagein a case of iatrogenic injury,” XXIII International Congress of Rorschach and Projective Methods, “Rorschach Centenary Congress,” Geneve 2022
  • E. RICCI, S. PARISI, P. PES, A. POMILLA, V. R. GENZANO, S.GALASSO, M. CONTEDUCA “The Rorschach profile of the male perpetrator of violence against women in close relationships” XXII International Congress of Rorschach and Projective Methods, Paris 2017
  • OKULSKA, V.R. GENZANO, S. PARISI, P. PES “The phenomenon of sex-selective abortion in Georgia. Rorschach study of psychic functioning of Georgian women who abort females” XXII International Congress of Rorschach and Projective Methods, Paris 2017
  • -E. ALVISINI, V.R. GENZANO, S. PARISI “The use of the Rorschach Test to evaluate the efficacy of psychotherapy” XXII International Congress of Rorschach and Projective Methods, Paris 2017


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