The Foundation
The Foundation is an Entity of the Third Sector (ETS) pursuant to Legislative Decree. 117 of July 3, 2017, as amended and supplemented, and pursues, on a non-profit basis, with civic, solidarity and socially useful purposes, exclusively or principally, the activities of general interest ex art. 5 c. 1 of Legislative Decree. 117/2017. It lays its foundation in the Institute founded in 1938 by Prof. Carlo Rizzo and is its historical and elective operational continuity, entrusted to Drs. Patrizia Pes and Salvatore Parisi.
Nearly a century of activities that have formed a rich heritage in research, education and clinical practice are now the foundation of the Foundation available to members and supporters.
The basic features of the Foundation: the Bylaws, the Scientific Committee, and the list of Members
Page nearing completion
The Statute
Social Structure
The Scientific Committee
Members & Supporters
A message from the board of directors
Text to be completed